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01. |
GLUT Window
This tutorial will explain how to create an OpenGL window using GLUT. |
glutInit, glutInitWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize, glutDisplayFunc, glutCreateWindow, glutMainLoop |
02. |
Keyboard Input
How can messages from the keyboard be processed using GLUT? |
glutGetModifiers, GLUT_ACTIVE_*, GLUT_KEY_*, glutIgnoreKeyRepeat, glutKeyboardFunc, glutKeyboardUpFunc, glutSpecialFunc, glutSpecialUpFunc |
03. |
Mouse Input
How can messages from the mouse be processed using GLUT? |
GLUT_*_BUTTON, GLUT_DOWN, GLUT_UP, GLUT_ENTERED, GLUT_LEFT, glutMouseFunc, glutMotionFunc, glutPassiveMotionFunc, glutEntryFunc |
04. |
Rendering And Animation
How is GLUT used to render your scenes and how can the frames be updated to allow for smooth animation? |
glutSwapBuffers, glutPostRedisplay, glutInitDisplayMode, GLUT_SINGLE, GLUT_DOUBLE, GLUT_RGBA, GLUT_BUFFER, glutIdleFunc |
05. |
How can GLUT be used to switch to fullscreen mode? |
glutFullScreen, glutReshapeWindow, glutPositionWindow |
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